Kara Gough, Year 9

Kara Gough, Year 9

I communicate effectively

Kara was nominated by her teachers at President Kennedy School…

When Kara contributes within lesson time, she ensures the sophistication and formality of her language through the use of her ACES sentence starters which allow her to contribute in a more professional way. Kara models fantastic communication to other students in her group and is a role model communicator. Despite her shy nature, Kara’s ability to communicate has progressed leaps and bounds since the start of the year and I am extremely proud of how far she has come.

Congratulations Kara, you are a World Class communicator!

Download Kara’s nomination form for details of her World Class characteristics


President Kennedy School

Commendations go to…

I inspire, encourage and recognise others

As part of Caitlyn’s leadership on the No Chairs Shakespeare project alongside the University of Warwick, Caitlyn took it upon herself to circulate amongst the performing groups in order to ensure they were feeling ready and inspired for their performances. Part of this meant ensuring that each member of the performing groups had a specific role, whether that be director or performer. Caitlyn’s encouragement served to motivate all of her fellow classmates.

Caitlyn McLaughlin-Wood, Year 8, President Kennedy School

Download Caitlyn’s nomination form for details of her World Class characteristics



I know how to plan effectively

Shanice has been an extremely organised and methodical planner as she has helped to co-ordinate the technical stage effects of our year 8 Shakespeare production. This meant that she worked closely with a technician to provide high quality sound effects and lighting, and was very proactive in ensuring that she had a detailed script with directions from each group, as well as planned out a smooth flow of the various groups’ performances.

Shanice Rogers, Year 8, President Kennedy School

Download Shanice’s nomination form for details of her World Class characteristics

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