Maja Wronowska, Year 7
I exercise intellectual curiosity, and work independently, creatively and inventively
After learning the days of the week in French, Maja has been doing research on the etymology of the words, linking her learning with her own native language, Polish. Maja presented her findings on a well organised and clear poster, which can be shown to other students.
Maja also brought in research on Polish history to coincide with the time period the class are studying in history class. Maja created multiple written summaries of Polish history in the 1000s
St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls
Esther Okafor, Year 9, St. Anne’s Catholic School for Girls
Learners. I use strategies for effective learning, such as the ability to memorise, summarise, rephrase and review
Esther is incredibly bright, consciences, hard-working, a brilliant role model to her peers, asked many inquisitive questions. Esther is always diligent in supporting, engaging and taking part in almost all Enrichment activities in school, for example numeracy challenges, volunteering to help at open evenings and being part of the Diversity team to promote equality and fairness.
Taaliyah Bates, Year 8, Moor End Academy
Commitment to Achievement. I achieve my potential and overcome obstacles
Taaliyah Bates, from Newsome in Huddersfield, mastered an Irish dance to Christmas classic Fairytale of New York in just four weeks and then performed at the Lindley Christmas Lights Switch-On.
The 12-year-old became besotted with Irish music, culture and dance after hearing The Pogues’ version of Fairytale of New York. Taaliyah feared her disability would thwart her dreams of becoming a dancer. Her mum contacted the Kane Irish Dance academy in Marsh who successfully taught her how to dance in just four weeks.