Oliver Salway, Year 7

Oliver Salway, Year 7

I am an exceptional role model to members of the school community at all ages and levels

Oliver was nominated by his teachers at Sandringham School…


Oliver is an outstanding role model to his peers and other students at the school. He uses his expertise as an accomplished Euphonium player and violinist to support others in music lessons, always taking a really positive approach and encouraging others to have the confidence to perform and create increasingly challenging pieces of music. Oliver represents the school by playing in both the concert band and sinfonia, playing alongside much older students. He has also been accepted into the national Children’s Concert band so will be representing the school beyond our community. His positivity is infectious to those around him and he epitomises what it means to be a world class learner here at Sandringham School.

Congratulations for being a World Class role model Oliver!

Sandringham School

Commendations go to…

I exercise intellectual curiosity and work independently, creatively and inventively

Amelia Harewood-Burgess, Year 8, St Anne’s Catholic School for Girls

Amelia was nominated for her World Class learner characteristics, following her outstanding research of subjects outside of the classroom, and her willingness to use innovative learning techniques to support her peers’ learning.

Download Amelia’s submission form for more details of her World Class characteristics

I use strategies for effective learning such as the ability to memorise, summarise, rephrase and review

Vaia Tsepouras, Year 8, St Anne’s Catholic School for Girls

Vaia was nominated for her conscientious, hard-working attitude. Her ability to review her work thoroughly and effectively helped her earn a grade 9 in both her geography tests.

Download Vaia’s submission form for more details of her World Class characteristics

I am an excellent learner dedicated to lifelong learning

Alicia Evans, Year 11, Weatherhead High School

Alicia was nominated for her outstanding learner characteristics, including her impressive revision notes and techniques, excellent exam grades and outstanding dedication to her studies.

Download Alicia’s submission form for more details


I communicate effectively

Charlotte Ward, Year 9, Weatherhead High School

Charlotte was nominated following her excellently written application in which she demonstrated her World Class communication skills in a bid to apply to be a World Class ambassador leading on her school’s reaccreditation application in 2023. We can’t wait to work with you Charlotte! Download Charlotte’s submission form for more details.

I want to improve my learning continually

Harsiga Gobinath, Year 11, Weatherhead High School

Harsiga was nominated by her Maths teacher Mr Funston for her dedication to her Maths learning and improvement, spending her summer completing thousands of online maths questions, attending lunchtime and after school support sessions, resulting in her moving to a higher maths set, and achieving a grade 6 in her Maths Mock exam.

Download Harsiga’s submission form for more details

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