WCSQM Symposium 2019 – a celebration of creativity

WCSQM Symposium 2019 – a celebration of creativity

World Class CEOs, headteachers, Principals and school leaders came together for a session focusing on drawing up a blueprint on creativity in the curriculum.

On 4th July World Class accredited King Ecgbert School in Sheffield hosted the annual WCSQM Symposium. The theme this year of ‘World Class creativity’ gave World Class leaders, staff, students and partners the opportunity to come together to share and enjoy creative workshops, presentations and case studies showcasing creativity in the curriculum.

Over a busy and inspirational day, delegates were invited to take part in over 30 different workshops, where staff and school leaders were inspired by World Class best practices from peer schools, students could learn about and get engaged in creative projects and hands-on practical activities and staff and students enjoyed a showstopping performance from King Ecgbert students during the closing ceremony.

In addition to the many workshops, World Class schools staff were invited to join tours of King Ecgbert School’s impressive school grounds, school leaders came together to form a blueprint of creativity in the curriculum, secondary and special schools were accredited and reaccredited with the quality mark during a celebration awards ceremony and all delegates enjoyed an impressive and delicious BBQ lunch on the terrace, provided by event sponsors Aspens Services – an independent World Class catering provider to the education sector.

Download a press release of the event for more information and a list of accrediting and reaccrediting schools.

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