The student character campaign celebrates your students when they demonstrate World Class characteristics.
Every month we select winning and commended students who feature in our Hall of Fame, and who are shortlisted for our annual Character Award.

Any World Class or accrediting school can nominate, any student, any teacher, any time. To nominate EITHER
- choose a primary or secondary characteristic from our frameworks
- email as in this example
OR use the BeWorldClass app, (if your school already uses it) instructions below.
Access the student’s framework area by clicking on their submission, click ‘actions’, then ‘send/modify feedback’ (remember you will only have access to this once the student has submitted their framework area to you for feedback and approval).
Highlight, copy and paste into an email the
- Characteristic itself, e.g. c…have an area of expertise or specialism
- The student’s explanation of how they have demonstrated this characteristic
- A copy of the image they have uploaded related to this characteristic (right click the image, click copy, paste)
Title email Character of the Month – Area (add the area this characteristic relates to, e.g. Leader / Learner etc.). Include in the email the full name of the student, their year group. Send the email to
Watch a slideshow featuring examples of previous student character award nominations