Secondary school framework areas
There are six areas in the WCSQM secondary characteristics framework.
Download a PDF version of the World Class areas
Visit our frameworks page for a detailed outline of the secondary school framework areas.

I am an exceptional leader and organiser Download a PDF Version

Commitment to Achievement
I consistently out-perform students from similar contexts, and I am committed to continually improving my performance Download a PDF Version

I am an active participant in my school, local or relevant communities Download a PDF version

I am the best candidate in my field for higher education and/or employment Download a PDF Version

Knowledge and understanding
I am highly literate scientifically, mathematically, technologically and culturally Download a PDF Version
Primary school framework areas
There are three areas in the WCSQM primary characteristics framework.
Visit our frameworks page for a detailed outline of the primary school framework areas.

I feel

I learn by
Special school framework areas
There are 14 areas in the WCSQM special school characteristics framework.
Visit our frameworks page for a detailed outline of the special school framework areas