One Britain One Nation Day 17th June 2022

One Britain One Nation Day 17th June 2022

“OBON Day 2022” A Day of Pride & Unity Celebrations.

Friday 17th June 2022.

Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee

The official dates to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee are from the 2nd to 5th June but as  schools are closed during these dates for the summer half term, One Britain One Nation have launched OBON DAY on 17th June 2022 to give schools the opportunity to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

OBON Day will give every school an opportunity to engage with their children so that they can pay tribute to Her Majesty The Queen and celebrate this day in the spirit it is intended and as outlined in the OBON campaign brochure and on this link:

Every school can take part in OBON Day by…

At 10am on Friday 17th June 2022.

  • Children sing the first verse of the National Anthem of the United Kingdom- ‘God Save the Queen’
  • Preparing a short video clip in which school children are thanking Her Majesty for her leadership and service to the nation and briefly outlining what their school has done to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. Schools are being asked to tweet this video message immediately after singing the national anthem to: @Royalfamily using the hashtag #OBONDAY22 and #PlatinumJubilee

We believe that this very simple but yet very meaningful gesture presented simultaneously at every school will create a momentous occasion which will be well received by Her Majesty The Queen and will also lift the spirit of our children so that these celebrations become a memorable occasion which will sit comfortably in the hearts and minds of every child for the rest of their lives.

At a national level we will be mobilising the support of our national media, our politicians, celebrities and all sections of our society to join in this gesture.

Will you please share this message with your school staff, parents and local contacts to give every student the opportunity to participate in what we hope will be a momentous and memorable occasion they can look back on with pride.

We ask that you please let us know of your intention to participate with a message of support and share any  photos and videos of your preparations and the celebrations of the day with us on our twitter feed @1Britain1Nation using the hashtag #OBONDAY22.

We thank you in anticipation that you will be participating and supporting our campaign and if you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us on the following email:

Kash Singh

Chief Executive & Founder of

One Britain One Nation (OBON)

Twitter: @1Britain1Nation

 Download the event brochure  and visit the event website for more details

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