Creativity takes on Covid – WCSQM competition

To mark a year of creativity in lockdown, we have partnered with Forest Gate Community School‘s expressive arts faculty to create our 2020/21 competition.
Throughout 2020 our World Class students impressed and inspired us with their resilience and creativity in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our #BeCreative initiative coinciding with World Earth Day in April 2020 inspired hundreds of students to create brilliant creative pieces in lockdown that we shared as part of our 2020 Symposium, and that have now been sealed in our #BeCreative time capsule.
Our ‘creativity takes on Covid’ holiday competition invited pupils and ex-pupils to submit creative pieces entitled ‘lockdown’ to convey their individual and/or group responses to the title, in the format of their choice.
View the gallery of submissions
A video submission from Abigail Elias, Year 10, St Marylebone High School
Abigail’s story to accompany her video can be found on the submissions gallery
Congratulations to the winners…
In 1st place: Angelica Chapman, Year 10, Babington Academy
In 2nd place: Nia Zholyazkova, Year 7, The Holy Cross School
In 3rd place: Christa Stadler, Year 10, Hertfordshire and Essex High School
Honourable mentions go to…
- Deepinder Singh, Year 9, Featherstone High School
- Elle James, Year 12, Hertfordshire and Essex High School
- Megan Alker, Year 12, Weatherhead High School
- Lois McGovern, Year 7, Hertfordshire and Essex High School
- Nuala Chiba, Year 10, Southam College
The prizes
We were delighted with the overwhelming response to the competition, inspiring students from schools around the UK to share their brilliantly creative pieces to be in with a chance of winning one of the following prizes.
- The first prize is £100.00 worth of materials for the winner to develop their creativity in the media of their submission, (see terms and conditions). The submission that is awarded first prize will feature in the WCSQM Awards Ceremony.
- The second and third prize is £20.00 worth of materials for each winner to develop their creativity in the media of their submission (see terms and conditions). The submissions that are awarded first and second prize will feature in the WCSQM Awards Ceremony.
- Honourable mentions will receive a WCSQM certificate, and be shortlisted for the WCSQM Individual Achievement Award, which will be awarded at the Awards Ceremony, December 2021.