Brodie Quinn – Year 13

I achieve my potential and overcome obstacles
Brodie is a thoughtful, funny, empathetic young man, who is well liked by all his peers. He is a sensitive soul and is particularly gentle and understanding of other younger students, which he demonstrated during his time as ‘Buddy.’ Throughout his time at Sherbourne Fields School he has overcome many personal barriers both with his physical needs and his social and emotional health. Despite being in constant pain, Brodie has pushed himself and climbed mountains/ walked marathons as part of our annual ‘Sherbourne Challenge’ and in his Duke of Edinburgh lessons. Brodie has also worked hard to overcome barriers with his thinking and overtime he has completely changed his outlook; now having a fantastic attitude to his learning, resulting in him successfully passing his exams and achieving his end of Key Stage predicted grades. As well as this he has just completed a successful week’s work experience before he moves onto college after he leaves school. Brodie is a pleasure to have in the classroom and it is a privilege as a school to have witnessed first-hand his amazing journey into adulthood; we are incredibly proud of him and everything he has achieved
Sherbourne Fields School
Henry Mills – Year 4, Nant-y-Parc Primary School
I am Caring
Henry communicated effectively how he shows a caring attitude towards his brother George, who has a diagnosis of autism. Henry shows a mature attitude and a high level of empathy towards George, even making a heart shaped puzzle piece to demonstrate how George’s unique qualities that derive from his autism, are the things that Henry loves about him.
I am an expert
Henry also demonstrated clearly how he is an expert in art, with him submitting a report from his private art tutor to outline how Henry has made progress and shows a talent as an artist.