Izabella Russell, Year 8
Izabella was nominated by her teacher for her outstanding athletic ability.
“She has taken up a range of new sports since she started with us in year seven and puts her all into everything she does, both on and off the pitch. Her hard work is really paying off, and she has been successful in winning awards on a number of occasions. This photo is of Izzy receiving an award of outstanding achievement (presented by two Leeds Rhino’s first team players) at our inaugural ‘Sports Awards’ event at the end of last term.”
Congratulations Izabella for clearly demonstrating the following characteristic on the WCSQM Learners framework:
I am an exceptional learning role model to members of the school community, at all ages, and levels.
“I have listened really well to learn the rules of the games Rugby and Netball which I only started playing since I joined year seven, I am still continuing to grow in my sports. This has helped me participate in in two tournaments with school and me and the team won the girls touch rugby final and came joint 1st in the WCRL final” [national school rugby tournament].